"I Poured Listerine on My Vulva (VG)"

In a Desperate Attempt to Cure My Yeast Infection

"Yeast? Like, in bread?

How is that stuff, you know … down there?"

When I told my fiancé I poured Listerine on my vulva, he asked through muffled laughter, “Are you stupid or crazy?”

Neither. I was desperate. Desperate to the point of madness. For two years I was repeatedly diagnosed with yeast infections that left the whole of my nether regions itchy, irritated, swollen and often feeling like they were on fire. I was at the end of my rope.

Itchy, Irritated, Inconsolable

My mother got lots of yeast infections when she was younger, so when I first became afflicted, doctors diagnosed my problem as hereditary, saying I was simply more susceptible to the overgrowth of yeast.

(Three out of four women get a yeast infection at some point in their life, so it’s pretty common.) But when the infections started coming just as regularly as my period, my mother said, “God, even I didn’t have that many.”

I’m part of a gossipy Igbo family, so it was only hours before almost every female in my extended family knew about it. For Christmas that year, I received what my aunt referred to as the Itchy Vagina (VG) package.

It was stocked with tubes of Vagisil, medicated vaginal wipes, and pads. I was less embarrassed and more thankful. My stockpile was running low.

At that point, I had taken every over-the-counter medication available. Truthfully, I could have been the poster child for Monistat. The pharmacist seemed to think so—his eyebrows raised as I approached the counter with a basket full of vaginal products for the second time in a month.

I had gone to see my primary care doctor, nurse practitioners, and gynecologists. I did everything they told me to. I ate yogurt. I popped probiotics. I never sat too long in my wet bathing suit.

I wore only cotton underwear. At night I lay naked from the waist down, spreading my legs wide imagining air flowing in and out of me, fanning the disease away.

The infections had also infiltrated my sex life. Sex was no longer about pleasure—at least, not the pleasure I was used to.

My doctors told me to stay away from sex, as it would only irritate the infection further (the vast majority of yeast infections aren’t contagious), but like an unruly kid who plunges a pencil under her cast to satisfy that burning itch, I turned my fiancé’s penis into my own personal scratching stick.

I no longer wanted the slow, rhythmic hip thrusting I typically preferred.

Every time my fiancé and I got under the sheets, I wanted it hard and fast, screaming for more. I never orgasmed, but afterward, I fell asleep feeling satisfied.
But this—like almost everything I’d tried to relieve the itch—eventually proved more painful than pleasurable. My yeast infections were getting worse, and my poor vagina seemed like it would never heal.
Still, I scratched and scratched until my skin was raw. Until I got cuts and bled.

"The Crazy Thing I Did"

One day, feeling helpless as I sat in the bathtub for the fourth or fifth time that week with tears in my eyes, pressing a cold cloth against my burning skin, I looked up and saw the blue-green Listerine bottle sitting on the vanity: “Kills 99% of bacteria.”

Yeast infections are fungal infections, not bacterial, but I didn’t care. I imagined microbes of bacteria floating through my vaginal canal, clinging to the walls.

I imagined them multiplying by the thousands, creating metropolitan cities of red, rash skin. Skyscrapers of itch. Smokestacks
of fiery burn. I grabbed the Listerine and poured it.

"Spoiler alert"

This was not a good idea. It was about five seconds before I screamed in even worse pain than I could have imagined, turning the faucet on full blast. I cursed and bit down hard on my tongue until the burning was over.

"Finding Relief"

You’d think pouring mouthwash on my burning vulva would constitute a turning point, but it was still a little over a year before I was finally referred to a vulva specialist. She ran her gloved finger around my labia as all the doctors I’d seen had done before.

I tried not to flinch. When she was done, I pried my legs out of the stirrups, and sat straight, gloomily awaiting another nonanswer or ineffective home remedy I’d already tried a thousand times.

The first words out of the specialist’s mouth were that she was sorry for what I was going through—she couldn’t imagine what it must be like to live with so much pain. It was the first “sorry” I heard from a doctor that felt genuine.

Instead of talking about yogurt or wet bathing suits or unscented soap, she asked me detailed question after question. She looked into my eyes and listened to all my symptoms.

“You have BV—bacterial vaginosis. BV has similar symptoms to a yeast infection, which is why you’ve been poorly diagnosed all these years. I wish you would have seen me sooner.

You could have saved yourself a lot of pain.”

I was too stunned to speak. “Apply the liquid with the cotton in the box here and here, in this motion,”

she said, referencing a drawing she made with a ballpoint pen.

That’s it. That was all I needed to do to end the nightmare between my legs.

Dear Friend;

I can hardly believe it myself, but it’s true…

Women in Nigeria and Africa are rejoicing more than ever, thanks to the new feminine hygiene wash, “LAVet the lady’s secret”!

I’ll explain how it works in a minute, but imagine you can stay free from vagina yeast infection and menstrual cramps when you make the decision I made after meeting the specialist. even though I was a bit skeptical about booking an appointment with her due to the failed number of appointments I have had with other doctors and gynecologists and yet, no result. 

If you are reading this, then it is a dream come true for me and a few ladies in Nigeria who have benefited from this natural remedy secret and decided to spread it to you and other ladies in our dear country and the entire African continent as a whole.

The Secret Is In The LAVet Feminine Hygiene Wash

Well, am sure you may be wondering and asking questions like… How safe and how natural is the LAVet feminine Hygeigne wash…

Great! that is a good question because that were the same questions I asked the specialist who introduced it to me.

What Others Are Saying...

NAANA Kristina


It was that little problem that won’t just go away. So I bought 2 packs, followed the instructions, and it worked like magic! You won’t believe it: I didn’t even finish the second bottle and THAT LITTLE SECRET PROBLEM IS GONE!?

Chiagozie B.


After the discovery of the Lavet hygiene wash, the chronic and severe itching, menstrual crums, and all other infections has disappeared and I now have my freedom as a lady. Lavet, the Ladies secret indeed



If I had the opportunity to write a thousand pages of reviews and recommendations for this natural Ladies’ secret “Lavet, I will do so because am a testimony to it, Lavet Save my marriage and I will forever remain thankful to Lavet lady.

Introducing LAVet Feminine Hygiene Wash

LAVet Feminine Hygiene Wash IS NOT LIKE Most liquid gels or liquid Soaps that are used to wash the essentials away from the vaginal intimate area.

When LAVet is inserted, it provides a protective barrier over the delicate intimate vaginal lining; which reduces any painful irritation, itching, or burning sensations.

Just Imagine These Amazing Benefits:

✅ It makes a Lady more sexually confident

✅ LAVet delays virginal sagging and aging

✅ It tightens a Lady”s vaginal wall muscles

✅ LAVet enhances one”s vaginal grip on her husband”s sexual organ

✅ It elevates sexual pleasure and excitement during sexual intercourse
…And that’s just for starters!

I Know It Might Sound Crazy – But I’ll PROVE To You It Works


This product is registered and approved by the Food and Drugs agency

And Not Only That But:

The healing properties in LAVet help to stabilize the vaginal canal

It aids ladies to recover quickly from their vaginal infections by rendering bad bacteria powerless

Manufacturers of LAVet purposefully recommend that women rinse with water (that’s slightly hot) after they insert LAVet.

When a lady is using the product to get rid of yeast or toilet infection, the hot water helps to open up the lower vagina. The hot water rinse causes some of the incapacitated bad bacteria (or excess fungi) to be excreted out with the rinse

LAVet Feminine Hygiene Wash helps to bring great relief to women experiencing symptoms like burning sensations, frequent urination, vaginal itching, frequent discharges, and bad vaginal odor.

It heals and empowers women to feel clean and fresh all day long, smelling naturally pleasant at all times.

We Have A Limited Supply Of These “Secret” Feminine Wash, So You Must Rush Now To Avoid Losing Out.

Here Is How Others Getting Tremendous Results ...

NAANA Kristina


It was that little problem that won’t just go away. So I bought 2 packs, followed the instructions, and it worked like magic! You won’t believe it: I didn’t even finish the second bottle and THAT LITTLE SECRET PROBLEM IS GONE!?

NAANA Kristina


It was that little problem that won’t just go away. So I bought 2 packs, followed the instructions, and it worked like magic! You won’t believe it: I didn’t even finish the second bottle and THAT LITTLE SECRET PROBLEM IS GONE!?

NAANA Kristina


It was that little problem that won’t just go away. So I bought 2 packs, followed the instructions, and it worked like magic! You won’t believe it: I didn’t even finish the second bottle and THAT LITTLE SECRET PROBLEM IS GONE!?

Here Is What Some Prominent Nigerians Are Saying About LAVet...

I INSIST you try it out completely at my risk. Try it for 7 days and SEE the results for yourself. If you’re not 100% blown away by the results, just return it for a full refund, no questions asked.

But I’m betting once you see the results you’ll consider LAVet your new lifelong friend!

This is an amazing opportunity and there’s NO WAY YOU CAN LOSE.

Your order will be rushed to you in a discrete plain package by our delivery companies, and you can start getting rid of those recurring vagina yeast infections within the next 7-14 days.

And remember, it’s 100% guaranteed.

The good news is that the LAVet product is made from natural ingredients that can help fight genital infections and menstrual cramps.

And also…

We’ve introduced it to over 10,000 women and seen tremendous benefits. It also restores vaginal elasticity and reduces the sagging effects of vaginal aging (sagging).

Beyond this, however, some conditions related to genital infections and menstrual cramps may present complications. For example, endometriosis can cause fertility problems. PID can damage the fallopian tubes and increase the risk of a fertilized egg implanting outside the uterus (ectopic pregnancy). If infections and dysmenorrhea are not treated in time…


Information on this website about our products should not replace the medical advice of your doctor. Individual results may vary. We encourage you to use common sense and prudence in evaluating your expectations while consuming LAVet products. LAVet products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, prevent or mitigate any disease.

LAVet Natural Feminine Hygiene Wash

LAVet Natural Feminine Hygiene Wash


LAVet 30ML ---- ₦6,900
LAVet 20ML ---- ₦5,100
LAVet 10ML ---- ₦3,800

Please Fill Out The Form To Place Your Order Now. 

Note: Do Not Fill Out The Form If You Know You Are Not Ready To Make Yourself Available For Us To Deliver Your Order To You. Thank You. 🙏🙏

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